Tag Archive for Masters Degree

My journey to Mastery begins

I got accepted to a Masters of Philosophy (Research), yay! I’m very excited. I was a little concerned, with some hurdles in my application process, in particular making it to the right people for review, I did have my doubts. I did however receive my letter of offer the Friday before orientation week. Nothing like cutting it fine UOW.

So I bounce along to the first part of truely being a postgraduate student… orientation. Orientation turned out to be a very lame affair indeed. While most of the morning was meant to be quick presentations, the morning dragged on. It wasn’t until speaker 5 or 6, that we actually saw someone with good presentation skills that was engaging. I did get some things from the day, including Planning you PhD and a free (bright orange) USB drive. So the morning wasn’t all bad. I had to skip out early to get back to work.

My first lecture for the require Research Methods subject is this Friday. I’m excited, but more so I’m keen to find out all the unknowns about the subject. I really do hope that I don’t have to cut down work too much. A girls gotta eat.

In preparation of my new lifestyle, because lets face it postgraduate study really is a lifestyle, I’ve been reading up about what to expect and such. A few colleagues have raved about The Thesis Whisperer, so naturally I’ve had a look. There are so many interesting posts, which I’m sure will become increasingly relevant. Much of the advice says to write lots, and read lots. So here we are, this is my attempt at writing lots.

Now, I’ll leave you with this. A gold nugget of the orientation day, and a light on the perspective of postgraduate students.

Update: Application Submitted!

As was the intention when I started out with this blog I have applied to do a Masters Degree with the University of Wollongong.

Thank you for your application to study at the University of Wollongong (UOW). You have made the first step towards a research career at a vibrant, world-class university that thrives on excellence!

I am both excited and impatient. So naturally the next “four to six weeks” in which the faculty will take to process the application will seem so much longer.


I forgot to water the flowers!



My Research Journey Levels Up

Last week I made the decision to embark upon the process of doing a Masters degree with the University of Wollongong. I emailed a potential supervisor, hoping for a positive response. He agreed to meet with me to discuss my topic. On Friday I spent an hour polishing the long list of notes and dot points I had been accumulating whilst mulling over the idea of a research degree. I was reasonably happy with the first draft of what looked like an ok research proposal. No doubt if the potential supervisor likes it, then it will be ripped to shreds with the editing and refining process.